Friday, September 11, 2009

We are home from the hospital!

Nicholas came home from the hospital yesterday and he is doing well. Grandma came over for a couple of hours and brought us dinner, held and loved on Nicholas and let Mommy take a much needed shower. In the hospital they cleared up the Staph infection and the doctor put the new shunt on the opposite side because when doing that there is a less chance of infection. Nicholas now has a scar on both sides of the back of his head and both sides of his belly. He has to keep his head dressing on (which he hates and has been trying to scratch and take it off from day one) and stay upright until 4pm today, after that he will get his first bath. Nicholas spent his time in the hospital flirting with the nurses and playing with Grandma, Daddy and Mommy. Aunt Shelly and Dana came to visit him. He was such a joy. He really is changing so quickly. I am glad to say he is a smart and loving little boy. In the hospital he learned to do zerberts and he rolled over on his side. All of the nurses fell in love with him because he showered them with smiles. We are so glad to have our baby home. We love him so much.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Glsd Nicholas is doing well and is at home. I understand why the hospital staff fell in love with him. He's a beautiful and happy baby.
Love to all,