Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Nicholas!

Well, It's been a long time. I stopped posting because Nick and I stayed sick all winter and I had some sciatic nerve trouble the last few months. I am glad to say besides a virus he just got in time for his birthday today Nick has still been doing great! He's talking, counting, singing songs and knows his primary colors! He is such a joy! He has the best since of humor and temperment. As of yesterday he is still only 19lbs so we are working on him gaining weight. We are seeing a neutritionalist and his blood tests show a high metabolism. Nick is now sleeping in a big boy bed! He loves trucks, trains, cars and balls.


Siri said...

Thank you for letting us know how Nicholas is doing. I'm so glad he's doing fine!

Marie said...

Hi there.. I am sooo glad to see that your son is doing so well!!!!! I am 23 weeks pregnant and just found out that my baby girl has dandy walker malformation. She has a gap in the middle of her cerebellum where it should join together. There is cyst there in stead. Everything else appears to be normal. I was wondering what kind of dw your son has? Doc doesn't know what our baby girls life will be like. This scares me not knowing what will come! Your sons story gives me hope! God bless!