Saturday, November 5, 2011


Nicholas is still doing great. He started pre-school six hours a week and loves it! He is two and a half, very active, smart, funny and can have a good temper tantrum when he wants to. He has quite a bit of energy but still doesn't have much of an appetite. He still only weighs 21 lbs. He sees a neutritionist and has had many tests done but the doctors can't find a problem. I don't worry too much. He does eat when he gets hungry. I'm sorry I'm so behind. I have my hands full.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

June and July 2011

 Nicholas is doing great! He's an active little boy and Mommy is trying to keep up!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Nicholas!

Well, It's been a long time. I stopped posting because Nick and I stayed sick all winter and I had some sciatic nerve trouble the last few months. I am glad to say besides a virus he just got in time for his birthday today Nick has still been doing great! He's talking, counting, singing songs and knows his primary colors! He is such a joy! He has the best since of humor and temperment. As of yesterday he is still only 19lbs so we are working on him gaining weight. We are seeing a neutritionalist and his blood tests show a high metabolism. Nick is now sleeping in a big boy bed! He loves trucks, trains, cars and balls.