Wednesday, September 22, 2010

17 months old today

This is my beautiful boy! He loves to dance, sing, be in the water, swing, read books and play. He's kind, loving and sweet. He's a smart little boy who is willing to try anything. He's not talking too much but he understands everything. He loves to be outside and likes to move big things around. He's a great ball thrower and kicker. He loves fruit and his Daddy. I can tell him "Lets go get your shoes Nicholas, we're going outside" and he marches in the other room and gets them. He likes helping me do everything I do. He likes to take the dishes out of the dishwasher as I'm putting them in. He likes to do everything he sees his Mom and Dad do. I guess he's just a normal kid. He is such a joy! I am so proud of him.

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