Sunday, February 28, 2010

10 months: growing and moving fast

Sorry it has been so long. Between working nights and taking care of Nick during the day Mommy has her hands full. Nicholas is doing wonderful and we are so thankful! You would never know he has Dandy-Walker. So far his development is right on track. I am so proud of our little man. He is something else. He is commando crawling, standing and walking with assistance...holding on to things. He is very active, getting into everything he can get his hands on. He has a sense of humor and is a huge flirt! He loves to eat and wants everything Mommy and Daddy have. He's biting everything and a very independent little guy

. Thank you Emily and Dan for his new little buddy! He loves his doll, Wayne.

Thanks to all for the e-mails and comments. We are truely blessed!

He finally said Mom!! :)

1 comment:

Q's Mommy said...

I will have to agree on the hes a ladies man from personal experience!!!! Hes adorable and let me hold and carry him around at my baby shower that I was so glad little Nicholas was able to attend.He had all the ladies swarming me!!!!! Love Ya