Thursday, November 4, 2010

Surgery,18 months, Halloween and Strawberries

Nicholas had been sick on and off since July. He would be up in the middle of the night screaming, crying and vomiting. He exhausted himself to sleep hours later. The doctors never could find out what was wrong with him. I finally talked his shunt surgeon into giving him a ct scan. They called after his scan and said his head looked great. The pump was working. We had a follow up a few days later for the shunt surgeon to see him. She showed me the ct scan and everything did look great. I told her I was sorry to keep bothering her office but the pediatrician couldn't find anything wrong and I didn't know where to go. Something had changed since July. I told her I had sent her assistant an e-mail photo of the back of Nicks neck. It looked more swollen at times.Was this due to his crying, screaming and throwing up, or he had grown... was this how it was supposed to look. she felt his neck, got up and looked at her computer again. She zoomed in on the shunt and said the shunt has come out of his head and is now in his neck. It was still pumping and clearing his head of extra fluid but he could at times be blocking the shunt causing him possible migraine. He had surgery a few days later to put the shunt back in his head and now he is better than ever!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

17 months old today

This is my beautiful boy! He loves to dance, sing, be in the water, swing, read books and play. He's kind, loving and sweet. He's a smart little boy who is willing to try anything. He's not talking too much but he understands everything. He loves to be outside and likes to move big things around. He's a great ball thrower and kicker. He loves fruit and his Daddy. I can tell him "Lets go get your shoes Nicholas, we're going outside" and he marches in the other room and gets them. He likes helping me do everything I do. He likes to take the dishes out of the dishwasher as I'm putting them in. He likes to do everything he sees his Mom and Dad do. I guess he's just a normal kid. He is such a joy! I am so proud of him.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Just came back from a visit with Granny. We got to see Aunt Emily, Uncle Myron and Aunt Nancy too! We had a great time. We went to another children's museum today and I rode my first train with my Grandma! I loved it. I made her ride it three times. It was fast, loud and bumpy. I didn't smile but kept wanting to get back on. I also got to swing today on the swing Uncle Myron and Aunt Nancy gave me. I was a HaPpY boy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

15 months

Nicholas doesn't have any more physical therapy! They didn't think he needed it. He is walking and climbing and into everything! These are pics from the childrens museum. He loved it! He played with the other kids and had the best time.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

taking steps and first real haircut

Nicholas got his first real haircut! He is taking a few steps and standing unassisted. He likes to talk (like his Daddy) and jabbers all day long. He is curious and gets into everything.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Nicholas

His birthday isn't until friday but we celebrated last night. Nick is doing great and we are so blessed to have him in our life. We are so thankful.