Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Halloween

My 6 month doctor checkup went well. I got the okay to start eating rice cereal. Mommy put it to my lips and I held my lips closed tight. Mommy gave me the spoon and I opened wide and put it in. I spit most of my cereal out but I know how to feed myself. I really thought I was doing something. The doctor said my head size has come back down so the shunt must be doing its job. I weigh 14 and a half pounds. I went to a fruit and vegetable stand with Daddy and Mommy and got my picture taken with some pumpkins for Halloween. I can't go trick or treating yet so I'm going to spend Halloween with my grandma. Mommy and Daddy have to work.

Friday, October 23, 2009

6 months old!

Childrens Hospital 5K with Janette

Me and Daddy

Today at 1pm our baby boy will be 6months old. He is teething up a storm now and drooling all over the place. He is quite fussy at times. The only thing I like about it is he lets me hold him when he doesn't feel good. Nicholas is also talking up a storm and does it loudly. I don't know what he's saying but he's exercising different sounds. He also loves to slam his right arm up and down with or without toy so watch out. He loves to stand with you holding his hands and plays pee-a-boo. He's a good face and hair puller too. I am trying to teach him how to be gentle when touching others face. He is still a little sweetie pie with an angelic smile and infectious laugh. Physical Therapy (Mariann) is coming to the house every two weeks to give Nicholas things to work on. We are still working on rolling over and sitting up. So far he's doing good. In the next couple of weeks we have his six month doctors appointment, a ct scan to check his shunt and we will meet with genetics again.

Friday, October 9, 2009

My first visit to West Virginia to see my family

I cut my first tooth!
I gave up my passey all on my own!

Daddy got this for mommy when she was pregnant. We sent this pic to her cell phone when she was at work one night. She loved it!

We went to West Virginia Wednesday to visit Grandma Anne, Uncle Timmy and Aunt Josa. It was a beautiful drive. The leaves are starting to change. I went under my first tunnel in the car. It was a short visit but we had so much fun. Grandma sat me on her lap and sang the train song to me and I laughed. Aunt Josa rocked me to sleep. They were all so good to me. I loved them all.
We missed you Aunt Liz and Uncle Kelley!

Grandma and Daddy

Aunt Josa holds me.

Uncle Tim and Aunt Josa.