Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Uncle Myron, Aunt Nancy and Granny came to visit!

Thank you Uncle Myron, Aunt Nancy and Granny for coming to visit us. We had a great time! Grandma thanks for feeding us all.


I love my Aunt Shelly, she takes good care of me.

Aunt Nancy can calm me down and make me smile.

Aunt Nancy made that blue prayer blanket for me before I was born. Thank you Aunt Nancy!

Nicholas and Granny... we are so happy you came to visit us!

Brother and Sister:

Uncle Myron and Grandma

My Cousins

Carley can feed me!

Chillin' with Uncle Bobby


Emily said...

Nicholas is such a cutie. Looks like everyone had a good time holding him. Can't wait for my turn.

Traci & Doug said...

We enjoyed seeing pictures of Nicholas, he is so cute! Thank you for sharing.We look forward to seeing you all at the next family get together.

Love, Traci & Doug

Leisia said...

You have a beautiful baby...he is just too cute.

My husband and I are in the process of adopting a 13 yr old girl with dandy-walker syndrome. There are so many emotional issues from a past full of abuse...I don't know how to figure out what symptoms are coming from which problem. I didn't realize that the dandy-walker syndrome was even really effecting her until I started reading about it. I see that we have more to deal with than we originally thought. We love her very much and this would never keep us from adopting her but it is very scary. She is developmentally delayed, she is in 8th grade but she is only like on a 4th grade level as far as actual school work, she is in special education, she has a very hard time comprehending things so learning or carrying out directions is very hard for her, she moves really slow and awkard, and she doesn't have very good balance. My poor baby....I didn't realize these problems were caused by this. My heart is breaking for her right now.

While I was looking up sites I found your blog. If you don't care I am going to follow it. I am just trying to get all the info on this that I can.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!