Saturday, August 22, 2009

Nicholas will be four months old tomorrow. The time is going so fast!

Taylor, Justin and Nicholas.

Nicholas and Andy. They are so cute!

Happy Birthday Granny! We love you.

Aunt Emily, Cousin Sarah and Andy.

I love you Grandma. Thank you for playing
with me in the back seat.

The Mann Family Lunch. It was so good to see everyone. We had a great time!

Grandpa Roy

Aunt Thelma and me at Debbie's house.

It has been a busy month! Nicholas met Justin and Taylor. Grandpa Roy made a surprise visit. We went to Paige's jewelery show and got to see Cousin Debbie and Lisa, Aunt Thelma, and Aunt Geraldine. We had lunch with the Mann family. We took our first road trip with Grandma to North Carolina to visit Granny and celebrate her 88th birthday. We got to see Cousin Sarah. She's a very talented photographer and took some beautiful photo's of Nicholas. (See the Ardmore Photography link on the right) We got to see Sarah's son Andy, Aunt Emily, Uncle Myron and Aunt Nancy!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Uncle Myron, Aunt Nancy and Granny came to visit!

Thank you Uncle Myron, Aunt Nancy and Granny for coming to visit us. We had a great time! Grandma thanks for feeding us all.


I love my Aunt Shelly, she takes good care of me.

Aunt Nancy can calm me down and make me smile.

Aunt Nancy made that blue prayer blanket for me before I was born. Thank you Aunt Nancy!

Nicholas and Granny... we are so happy you came to visit us!

Brother and Sister:

Uncle Myron and Grandma

My Cousins

Carley can feed me!

Chillin' with Uncle Bobby